Develop software without coding

Dive deeper into your research without having to write a massive codebase

Why Nungu Code?
Shorter development time
Easy to maintain
Reduce development cost

Powerful Library

Access millions of python libraries as model blocks. One of the biggest challenge of using model based design, is that the libraries were always a few years behind the actual research. With Nungu you can import new libraries as and when they are released online by the researcher, as you would do when you write a python code. Nungu’s powerful library manager will let you import any python code or library, into your model.


Powerful Visualisation

Visualise and test your model as soon as you prototype. Nungu is packed with a library of visualisation tools to visualise your data.



Simulate and test your model with powerful pre-defined input functions, before deployment. Need more control, use the “function block” to create custom input functions for simulation.


Code Generation

Need your code, click the “Generate code” button. Nungu will write it for you based on your model.


Self Documentation

Your model is your design document. After your design is complete, simply download your model as a PDF.

Nungu © 2023.